"That which is real is silent and mystical; That which is not real is loud and vocal"
Many of you must be wondering what is real and not real means. Before we look at this complex word, let us answer a few basic questions
What is misery and sorrow? Do you see it? Where is its origin? Take for example - during war we hear thousands of people being killed, do we feel the same pain and sorrow as when your very own die?
What are emotions? Are they true? If so, then a person, friend, sister, or daughter who has been close to you last year and has given you all happiness becomes the center of your worries, or sadness why?
Look at the world around you, it changes from day to night, summer to winter, is it true?
When you were 5 years old you thought your toy was precious, but when you are twenty, you clean your room and find the toy which was once precious to you rusted and broke, you throw it in the bin never wanting to see it again, why?
So, be it emotions, conditions, or the state of mind are all not constant, they change, they adapt, they fluctuate, so they cannot be real, they are reactions to an incident which is beyond our control, but the self is unwilling to accept this reality. It ponders, it screams both inside and outside, it is loud, vocal, shows indifference, tries to prove itself and finds ways to justify what it sees, uses all the resources it has gained over the years to prove the unreal as real.
Gaudapada says, “creation which is taught in different modes with illustrations of clay,metal, sparks etc; is only a means of introducing (the truth of non - difference). In no way is there any difference. The world only appears; it is not real”. The duality that we see around us (happiness-sadness; good- bad) is not real, that is illusory (maya).
All these verbal attributes are just names of verbal expressions (vacarambhanam, namadheyam). So anything that is unreal is fed into the machine of word production and flows out as verbal expressions making it look as though it is real. That is why I wrote “That which is not real is loud and vocal”. It fools us, it pretends, it stresses us and consumes us, but can never destroy us, because it is not real.
The real one is the atman, which is undestructible, unchangeable, pure and absolute like the Supreme Atman (Supreme God). Look at the jiva atmas around you, does it have different shapes, does it have different colour, does it have different nature, it does not, it is shapeless, colourless, natureless, it is simple, pure, comes and leaves as and when it wants. "The Real"It watches but never gets agitated because it knows these are illusions created to help us understand the karmic and the dharmic paths and make an understandable choice. Often we wonder why with all the suffering and sorrow even when we wish to die or live it doesn’t happen at our own choice, because the athma understands the illusion around us and is patient and not ready to leave or stay in the body at the will of the person. It watches, absorbs, dissolves the karmas by making the body live through the experiences of maya and it leaves the body without a word. Hence I wrote “That which is real is silent and mystical”. It is mystical because it doesn’t answer any of the intellectual questions of the mind; it doesn’t react to the emotions of the senses; it is silent, quiet, and undisturbed.
Few questions answered:
1. Why mind plays double games .and the same empathy is not shown for others situations?
It is the nature of the mind to do so manam and buddhi is the driving force of the person in this world, as you think we invent; discover and spend our energy on . manam helps us to experience emotions, helps us to experience the maya and understand the truth behind it
2. We call VASUDEV KUTUMBAKAM . but it's farce statement.
What is the necessity to cheat ourselves and others.
We work in this world as a society, to enable our social sense we need to be liked by everybody; we want appreciation; we want attention; we want to be loved, so by saying one family we widen our social awareness and expect others also to do so, so that we share common emotions
3. The deeper we go inside it is still and the place is silent with nothingness.But why again we fall back to cacophony of life . If i Want to be stable in that position please explain this to me where I may be going wrong.
Fear of being alone, the emptiness takes us back to the period before our birth; in the caves of mother's womb; the vastness of this universe were we have been floating for many years and the depth of the consciousness . we are so used to the sounds around us, so we fear the silence within; we are so used to the noise in our head; the noise around us, so the consciousness inside has become a lonely place. let me give you few tips which i practice:
a. learning to move away from situations.
b. learn to let go, i like icecream but i don't want it anymore; i like sarees , but i can let it go ... etc, letting go of all things i hold dear first material desertation, then slowly the rest one at a time.
c. Learn to experience each day and not to think of yesterday and not to think of tomorrow.see if it helps.