"A mind which is disciplined, calm
and has less desires is a peaceful mind"
Often we all wonder why we are all in search of something?
What is it that we are searching for?
Is it money, fame , power? If it is only that then why are the rich, famous and the powerful not happy?
They are not happy because what everyone is searching for is peace.
It is only our dharma which addresses the problem.
Yajur veda says:
“Let there be peace in the atmosphere
May the waters and medical herbs bring peace
May the vedas spread peace everywhere
And may that peace be on us forever”
So peace is not just inside us but it has to be everywhere, but why do we feel it inside us?It is because the human mind is interlocked with the
environment, society and the self.
Yajur veda says
Let there be peace in the atmosphere - environmental factor
May the vedas spread peace everywhere - social factor
Peace be on us forever - peace within the Self (Psychological factor)
Let us look at it one by one
Environmental factor: Our surroundings play a major role in the inner state of mind. Many of us would have experienced this when we visit a temple or when we go on a mountain trip, the silence around helps us to calm down. So the nature of the environment is important
Social factor: The society around us determines the way we react. For example - we often find in a protest, which starts off calmly then turning violent - the reason is as an individual everyone behaves and understands their responsibilities but in a crowd the discipline disappears and they all acquire a mob mentality. So it is very important that discipline outside is very important as much as it is inside. One who leads a very undisciplined life/lifestyle can never attain the state of peacefulness.
Psychological factor: Very often we ignore this factor and we think if we go to the temple, or be disciplined in performing our duties we will get the calmness and peace which we so yearn for, but it is not so. The most important psychological factor is to control our desires and channelise it. When I say this to a young person then they ask me
“ then is it wrong to be aspirational?”
The answer is “NO”.
Being aspirational is different from desiring something. Aspiration comes from hard work, capability and planning.
I can desire to be a gold medalist in the olympic games but I haven’t worked for it, nor do I have the capabilities or the planning. If I am aspirational then I will do the planning for the next four years, increase my capabilities through a disciplined lifestyle and rigorous work practice and work very hard.
“Being aspirational is not wrong
Clueless Desire is not good”
Understanding these factors will help you to channelise your actions, so understand your shortcomings and that it will help you to edge forward into the realm of the calm mind which can then crawl its way to the core of the mind where peace resides.